Klassiek Indiase muziek

Tarang Poddar and Satyakam Mohkamsing bring to you a concert of North Indian Classical music with modern interpretations of traditions that trace back to the early history of India. A duo concert of the Hindustani Violin and Tabla, the duo will exchange solo and accompanying roles, often blurring into collective improvisation spaces based on Ragas (Melodies) and Talas (Rhythms). The aesthetic will be atmospheric yet thrilling. Towards the end of the performance, singer Devi Jagmohan will be featured as a guest to collaborate with the duo.

Tarang Poddar: Tabla
Satyakam Mohkamsing: Hindustani Violin

Deur open: 19.30
Concert: 20.30

Donations iDeal: Klassiek Indiase Muziek. https://www.ing.nl/particulier/betaalverzoek/index.html?trxid=tHuhVuV5gu354KbwI8zqXVqoGi708eKw Donations PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=HM8MG6LE9DJZL




26 jun 2021


8:30 pm - 6:00 pm


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